AH Showroom: Opening a New Chapter


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We have been keeping something very exciting up our sleeves for a while...

We are now the proud owners of 47 Barnsbury Street, N1. A new showroom and studio space that we are currently renovating.

When I first started the business with my now husband Dan 13 years ago. I don’t think I ever really thought about owning our own studio. My focus was always on having the best home for AH that we could afford to rent in London. Alongside ensuring the experience for our clients during that time has been nothing but perfection.

As my life personally has moved on and out of the city, Andrea Hawkes has always remained deservedly in our fine capital, London. Here feels like the right home for Andrea Hawkes and so recently we wanted to ensure we secured that for the future. AH has become so much more than just me. It’s a place where our mainly female team enjoy being a special part of our brides journey and helping AH to be a joyful place to work. Its where our amazing team juggle a creative career whilst retaining a balanced home life. Something which I've tried my best personally to do for many years and I really try to offer this as an option to our dear team.

A few years ago after many hurdles, I would never have imagined we would be in this position today. Daniel my husband and co founder manages the business side of Andrea Hawkes so well and really is the engine behind what we do. Without his professional understanding of property/ renovation and for all he does ‘behind the scenes’, this wouldn’t have been possible.

Its easy for me to take the glory with my name above the door but its taken many wonderful individuals with their skills for us to be where we are today and I’m grateful for that beyond words and humbly never forget that. I believe that’s what makes Andrea Hawkes what it is. Keeping your feet on the ground (quite literally) and never forgetting where it all started.

So moving forwards, we feel its really important we keep all our brides to be and future brides in the loop and we want you to join us on the next chapter of our story.

We are currently in the process of renovating the building over the next few months, and we will be sharing the journey with you all as it progresses. We are fully renovating the building and re installing some of its original features. Barnsbury Street will be our main home and where we will continue to produce our Wedding dresses so ‘Made in London’ just becomes even more permanent!

For now 36 Danbury Street remains our home. We will of course inform you all as soon as we know more.

Finally, to all our wonderful clients since day one. Without your trust and support in us, this wouldn’t be possible. This place is for you all and I hope when you pass by you will give us a wave knowing you have made this happen for AH.

Love and best wishes,

Andrea x